Libra Education

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Libra Essay Prize 2024 Official Guide

Word Prompts

The selection of word prompts is key for students to showcase their research skills, critical thinking and creativity. Selecting your word prompt requires strategic planning. At Libra Education, we challenge students to think beyond the surface, encourage them to explore concepts deeply and express their ideas with clarity. The process involves considering the subject matter, objectives, target reader,  and the level of complexity suitable for the context.

The words this year are 'Manipulation,' 'Conflict,' 'Catalyst,' 'Trajectory,' and ‹Temporary›, which have been selected for their versatility, allowing students to explore various dimensions within their chosen discipline. Below you will find a few examples.

Science: Unraveling the Dynamics

In scientific writing, the word 'Catalyst' can be seamlessly integrated. Students may discuss how catalysts accelerate chemical reactions, drawing parallels to societal catalysts that expedite change. 'Trajectory' finds a home in physics discussions, exploring the trajectory of a projectile or the trajectory of scientific advancements.

English: Crafting Narrative Complexity

In English classes, 'Manipulation' and 'Conflict' offer fertile ground for exploring characters and plot dynamics. Students can delve into the manipulation of language in literature or dissect the conflicts within a story. 'Temporary' can be utilised to explore fleeting moments in poetry or the transient nature of themes.

Law: Navigating Legal Realms

Legal essays benefit from the inclusion of 'Conflict' and 'Temporary.' Students may explore legal conflicts and the temporary nature of certain legal rulings or policies. 'Manipulation' can be employed to discuss the manipulation of legal loopholes or the art of persuasive argumentation.

Economics: The Dynamics of Markets

In economics, 'Trajectory' is particularly pertinent when discussing the trajectory of economic growth. 'Catalyst' may be employed to analyze events that act as economic catalysts, while 'Temporary' can explore the temporary nature of economic trends.



Cross-Disciplinary Assignments:

You may wish to apply these words across multiple disciplines, showcasing a holistic understanding of their interconnectedness.

Real-world Applications:

Try to find real-world examples that embody the selected prompts, bridging the gap between theory and practical application.

Debates and Discussions:

Do not be afraid of being controversial as these texts tend to be more appealing as they present social challenges.


- Will I receive confirmation once I send my submission?

No. Due to the large amount of entries received, we are unable to contact candidates individually.

- When the final results will be released?

The deadline for submission is 17.00 on 14th April 2024 and winners will be announced at the end of May 2024.

- Can I attend if I’m over 15 years old or under 13 years old?

Yes, you can as long as you are currently studying in either year groups 11 or 12.

- Can I get feedback on my submission?

No. Due to the large amount of entries received, we are unable to provide individual feedback.

- What Email should I send my submission to?

Before sending, make sure you save your essay as “Title, Name, Year Group, School, Category” and then submit it to